En el marco del Festival Contra el Racismo, un espacio contra el racismo y todo tipo de misantropías que se celebrará entre el 14 de junio y el 2 de julio de 2021, la RedBienComun presentará el Diccionaro Colaborativo “Minga de Pensamiento Plofónico”.
El equipo de investigadores y organizaciones sociales colaboró durante un año en la investigación “Comunicación y Buen Vivir en el territorio: hacia la (des) construcción de la soberanía territorial y la preservación de la memoria local”.
PRESENTACIÓN – 20 de JUNIO de 2021 – 11:00AM (hora colombia)
- Ángela Garcés
Universidad de Medellín - Leonardo Jiménez
Centro de Estudios Pomote – Unaula
Unirse al evento: https://www.facebook.com/events/152447190260533
We will present you the methodological experience of generating knowledge in the dialogue of Knowledges. In the discussion the researchers Ángela Garcés Montoya and Leonardo Jiménez García will share with us the genesis process of the Diccionario Colaborativo “Minga de Pensamiento Polifónico” (Minga Dictionary of Polyphonic Thought).
This dictionary was a collective publishing initiative breaking with conventional forms of production of research results that obfuscates social and community knowledge. The construction of the dictionary Minga de Pensamiento Polifónico was based on a dialogue of Knowledges between researchers from the Faculty of Communications of the University of Medellin, the Center for Poplulation Studies, Mobilizations and Territories of the Latin American Autonomous University and the Community Collectives Probivir Association, Atabanza Cultural Corporation of the Department of Boyaca, the Proterra Foundation and the Tierra Libre Association of the Department of Cundinamarca, the Ciudad Comuna Corporation and the Action Network against Extractivism of the Department of Antioquia.
The team of researchers and social organizations collaborated for a year in the research on “Communication and Buen Vivir in the territory: towards the (de)construction of territorial sovereignty and the preservation of local memories”.
The production of new knowledges about organizational experiences, territory, good living, and pedagogical practices allows universities, think tanks and social movements anywhere in the world learn about experiences contributing to the transformation of the social reality in various territories of Colombia.
PRESENTATION – 20th of JUNe of 2021 – 18:00 UTC-05 TO 19:30 UTC-05
- Ángela Garcés
Universidad de Medellín - Leonardo Jiménez
Centro de Estudios Pomote – Unaula
Join this event: https://www.facebook.com/events/303726428070673